Ceri Samvilian

Are you ready to journal

and discover your authentic self?


Journal & Discover Your Authentic Self


Have you ever asked yourself, “Who am I?

What do I want in my life? Who do I truly want to become? Do the goals that I have set for myself match the person I want to become?

In the different stages of our development and growth in life, we all get to the point when we want to fully understand who we are. At this point you may have a natural pull towards having more meaning in your life. This then leads to a point where you want to uncover what your purpose is, so that you can have a new sense of meaning and passion in your life. Because if you are not in the driver’s seat of your life then someone else will.

The greatest gift you can give to yourself is the gift of understanding who you truly are. This journal is a space where you can explore and express yourself freely. It is a space you get to write down your thoughts in a judgement free zone. It is a space where you can write with the purpose of revealing your true self. With this foundation you can now build and create a life that makes you feel fulfilled. 

Journaling for me has been the one thing that has been consistent in my life. I have journaled through my teenage years filled with heartbreak and girlfriends’ drama. I journaled through highschool when I felt I was truly alone. I journaled through my first love and days of discovering myself at university. And my journal has seen me through marriage, kids and loss of loved ones. My journal has always been there to help me declutter my mind and release everything that was going on inside of me. I was able to vent and eventually find clarity. 

What makes this “Journal and discover your authentic self” tool so unique

is it is not a book with empty pages. It is a journal designed to guide you through different stages of growth in your life by asking you questions. Now questions are a wonderful key used by coaches to trigger thoughts and memories in their clients. Through these questions you are able to unlock certain parts of yourself that you have never seen or realised. You are also able to explore parts of you that may have been dormant for a very long time. This is all in the journey of self discovery. 

Instead of just having a blank journal, how about having a journal designed with prompts that assist you in digging really deep into yourself. 


This journal is a great tool to invest in yourself and in your personal development. It is our responsibility to build a connection and create a great relationship within ourselves. You may go everywhere, but you will always have to take you along. When you learn how to listen to yourself, you will create a connection to your higher self, to your soul and to your true authentic self.  


Taking time everyday to reflect with the intention of growth, is focused attention that will create a strong connection to yourself. Journaling helps you re-focus and clarify your thoughts. It is an internal dialogue you are having to self-reflect and by doing that, find the answers  you are seeking for yourself. This is because your opinion matters and deserves to be explored in your own time.

The problem is, if you don't know who you truly are, everyone else will tell you who you are and who you are meant to be.

That will always lead to some point of dissatisfaction and disappointment. 

This journal will help you start the journey of connecting you to your true self. It is a space to explore yourself and rediscover who you are today and who you want to become. One thing that happens to all of us is we change every 10 years. Who you were in your 20’s is not who you are in your 30’s or 40’s. So the question is, have you taken the time to understand your evolution? Do you recognize who you are today? Have you given yourself the time to rediscover who you are after everything that has happened in your life and are you ready to take charge of your life? 
When you are able to discover the power in understanding your authentic self, then you will have a compass that will direct you to who you want to become.

What does being authentic mean?

Authenticity is an awareness. It is an awakening which leads you to find your true potential. This means by having a clear understanding of who you are, you are now able to live a life of purpose and meaning. 

Finding your authentic self is a journey, it is not a destination. It is a journey I am privileged to take you, through the work done with this wonderful journal. 

As a certified coach, I have been able to learn a skill that I believe we should all have. We use this tool as a key to unlock and reveal our client’s true value and potential. This tool is asking powerful questions. We as coaches are equipped with the skill to use questions as a way to help our clients figure out what they want, why they want it and to identify solutions. 

I realised this is a tool that should be taught and shared with everyone, because by asking the right questions in the right sequence, you can unlock your truest potential. And you can do this only because you are brave enough to answer these questions as honestly as possible.

Benefits of a journal

This journal is a personal development tool that can be used to capture what you see and what you do. This will then reveal who you are.

A journal is a tracking system to see how far you have come, where you are now and then you can determine where you want to go. You are now able to set goals with a better understanding of who you are and who you want to become.

Therapists have mentioned that journaling is used to reduce mental illness. This is because you can solve 50% of a problem just by writing it down. When you give a voice to your emotions, you reduce anxiety and the pressure build-up going on inside. Now you can name the monster and it doesn’t look so scary anymore.

There are no rules to journaling. There is no need for spell check or even a specific flow. All you need is some quiet time and a pen and let your heart share what it needs to share at that moment.

A journal helps you peel all the layers that you have put on to protect yourself. You can now remove the mask and re-discover who is underneath it. Then realign that person with all the life lessons you have learnt.

The questions you are meant to ask yourself is

What do I care about?

When I heard these questions 8 years ago I was pissed. I was upset because I had no answer to any one of these questions. Not even one. When I decided to dive into the personal development world, the one thing I heard frequently is you have to find your purpose and your vision. I didn’t know what my purpose was, what that even meant and I had no clue how to find out. 

It took a lot of obsessive reading, watching inspirational videos, journaling about it all, investing in training and seminars for me to finally get it. The one seminar that blew me away and gave me the clarity I needed was in London. My favourite city. I went for a 4 day seminar with my bestfriend and that was the moment it hit me. My purpose is to be a life coach, to support and help other people through their journey of self discovery. 

Have you ever felt lost, gone thorough  

This is because I’ve been through so much hurt, disappointment and felt so lost and I was able to navigate and find my way out. But it took me a moment. I had to do a lot of work on myself by myself. I didn’t have anyone to guide me through it. I realised that I wanted to be that guide for others, who is there to support someone who really wants to do the work of rediscovering who they are and eventually living a life of purpose. 

My journaling process helped me create the quiet, sacred space I needed to as and work on those really hard questions. I started taking the time to find our what do i really want for my life? What do i need to do to live my best life? What is my purpose and why must i do this?

What legacy do i want to leave? 

Having this clarity helped so much in determining how i wanted to live my life. Because i have always wanted more and i have always wanted my life ot have an impact on others. But not just an impact, i want to have a inspirational and positive impact in your life. 

The truth is this. Your power comes from understanding who you are. You know why? Because you cannot be anybody else. Every one of us has something special and unique about them. And our job is to find out what that thing is that differentiates us from others and makes us stand out from the crowd. That is your authentic self which is the easiest self to live by. Because you do not have to change someone or add one to something. You just have to work on being the best version of who you truly are.

I believe I have created a key to guide you through unlocking and discovering who that person is. I have created this journal with the intention to take you through a thought provoking and deep process of reflection. In my journey of self discovery I realised that the more I took time to answer some difficult questions and take off the masks that I had been wearing for so long, then I was able to re-discover and embrace the truest version of myself.

Let this journal take you through a step by step daily process of uncovering the truest most powerful version of yourself. That is your authentic self. With this great foundation can you now have a better understanding of who you are, what you care about and what kind of a life you truly want to live. The most amazing thing we can all do for ourselves is stop asking people for their opinions about our own life. Take time to quiet down and ask yourself these hard questions and listen to your heart as it shares what has always been inside of you. You just didn’t give it a chance to voice its truth. 

The greatest gift you can give to yourself is the gift of understanding who you truly are. This journal is a space where you can explore and express yourself freely. We are launching a journal designed to guide you through different stages of growth in your life by asking you specifically designed questions. This journal is a great tool to invest in yourself and in your personal development. It is our responsibility to build a connection and create a great relationship within ourselves.
Finding your authentic self is a journey, it is not a destination. It is a journey I am privileged to take you, through the work done with this wonderful journal.